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If your role brings you into contact with people who may be experiencing gambling harms, and you want to help, then Chapter One is here for you. Whether you are a GP, social worker, support worker, counsellor or supporting someone in a professional capacity, the professionals hub provides useful resources, signposting, and information to help you prevent and reduce gambling harms.

Millions of people are harmed by gambling in the UK, directly or indirectly.

Only 1 in 200 people experiencing gambling harms who would benefit from treatment and support access help (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, OHID, 2023). Chapter One is here to give you the tools and information to support the people you work with who may be experiencing gambling harms.

Chapter One is free from gambling industry influence.

OHID Report
Illustration of hands in the air

What is gambling?

Gambling is risking money or something else of value on an outcome that is determined by chance. Gambling comes in lots of different forms and is not always easy to recognise because gambling is not just one product and can take place online or in person.

Although all gambling products carry a risk of harm, some forms are shown to carry a higher risk than others, such as online slots, fixed odds betting terminals and online sports betting.

What are the causes and impacts of gambling harm?

Gambling harms are the negative effects gambling can have a person. They are not just financial - they can affect any or every aspect of life: mental and physical health, relationships and work or study. The harms are not just experienced by the person gambling, but often those around them too. 

Understanding what the effects can look like is a helpful first step to identify gambling harms. Some signs and symptoms to look out for include:

  • Feeling anxious a lot of the time or not sleeping and feeling restless

  • Not being able to take pleasure in ordinary things

  • Feeling suicidal or thinking about being absent from the world

  • Not being able to stop gambling, or thinking about gambling (despite wanting to)

  • Constantly needing to check devices

  • Worrying about money and / or debts

  • Feeling disconnected from people and situations

It is important to recognise that gambling harms happen to a person and that the person is not to blame for experiencing those harms. Gambling products are designed to keep people using them and are heavily promoted. Addictive products can rewire the brain, creating a dopamine-driven need to gamble.

Please take the time to find out more about gambling addiction as there are so many individuals and families suffering daily from gambling harms.
Laura, partner of someone in recovery from a gambling addiction